Federal Institute for Geosciences and Resources (Cameroun) 01/2024 – 05/2024
Execution of a project review mission, a review report for a follow-up project and the preparation of the project proposal for BMZ ∙ sector: soil management, water, climate change adaptation (CCA), Natural Resource Management (NRM).
GIZ (African Union) 04/2023 – 12/2025
Senior Expert for the M&E Support of the GIZ Liaison Office to the African Union ∙ support of six GIZ-AU projects in their M&E tasks, data collection and processing, and preparation of reports to different partners ∙ General M&E support to projects and GIZ-AU portfolio management.
Caritas International (Germany) 04/2023 – 08/2023
Interim evaluation of the Caritas Flood Response and Rehabilitation Program in Germany 2021 ∙ sectors: shelter, WASH, psycho-social support, DRR, organ. development.
Caritas International (Ukraine) 08/2022 – 03/2023
Support of Caritas Ukraine to elaborate a BMZ project proposal ∙ sectors: good governance, IDP, psycho-social support, capacity building & organisational development.
GIZ (India) 07/2022 – 10/2023
Final evaluation of the BMZ funded project “Conservation of Biodiversity – Mitigating Human-Wildlife-Conflicts, India” ∙ evaluation design: theory based approach, contribution analysis, reconstruction of the theory of change (ToC) ∙ sectors: NRM, Biodiversity.
German Federal Foreign Office/ GFA Consulting Group (Afghanistan) 01/2022 – 07/2023
Expert on Humanitarian Assistance as part of a multidisciplinary evaluation team under GFA contract to evaluate the FFO-funded component of the German Afghanistan assistance over the past decade. Together with DEval and DHPol, a working group has been created for the strategic evaluation of the joint strategic evaluation of the FFO, BMZ and BMI engagement in Afghanistan.
GIZ (Sri Lanka) 01/2022 – 07/2023
Final evaluation of the BMZ funded project “Management of Wilpattu National Park and its Influence Zones” ∙ evaluation design: theory based approach, contribution analysis, reconstruction of ToC ∙ sectors: NRM, Biodiversity, CCA.
German Federal Foreign Office (Philippines) 04/2020 – 11/2020
Team Leader (team of four) for the ex-post evaluation of the FFO-funded humanitarian DRR assistance in the Philippines ∙ remote evaluation due to the Covid-19 pandemic ∙ evaluation design: theory based approach, contribution analysis, reconstruction of theory of change (ToC) at program level, data alalysis with MAXQDA ∙ sectors: community-based DRR (CBDRR), Climate Change Adaptation (CCA).
Caritas International (Ukraine) 02/2020 – 05/2020
Support to Caritas Ukraine in the elaboration of a BMZ project proposal (transitional aid) ∙ sectors: good governance, Internally Displaced Persons (IDP), psycho-social support, capacity building & organisational development.
German Federal Foreign Office (Ethiopia / DRC) 10/2019 – 06/2020
Evaluation of the FFO-funded humanitarian health assistance in Africa, in cooperation with madiba consult. As expert on methodology, I was mainly responsible for the elaboration of the evaluation design, data collection and analysis methods, the development of the evaluation matrix, and the reconstruction of theory of change ∙ sectors: health, nutrition, WASH, conflict management, IDP & refugees.
GIZ (Haiti) 05/2019 – 10/2019
Final evaluation of the BMZ funded project “Amélioration des conditions de vie dans des communes souffrant de pénuries d’eau saisonnières dans le Sud Est d’Haïti” ∙ evaluation design: summative, contribution analysis ∙ data collection tools: desk study, semi-structured (expert) interviews, focus group discussions, workshops and team meeitngs, observation ∙ sectors: water infrastructure, WASH, Agriculture, CCA.
GIZ (Algeria) 10/2018 – 05/2019
Final evaluation of the project “Supporting the implementation of the National Climate Plan in Algeria” in cooperation with a local consultant ∙ evaluation design: summative, contribution analysis ∙ data collection tools: desk study, semi-structured (expert) interviews, focus group discussions, workshops and team meeitngs, observation ∙ sectors: climate change adaptation, capacity development.
Caritas Austria (Senegal, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, South-Sudan) 10/2018 – 03/2019 & 08-12/2020
Mid-term and final evaluation of the COMPASS (Conjoint multi-actor programme for the advancement of structural solutions to food and nutritional insecurity) – Strategic Partnership Programme, implemented by Caritas Austria through 4 different local implementing partners and funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) ∙ Analysis levels span the programme /strategic level, as well as 4 country interventions ∙ Team Leader of a team of 5 ∙ sectors: food security, nutrition, capacity development.
BMU / GFA Consulting Group (Germany / Global) 06/2018 – 03/2021
Expert for evaluation methods as part of the Evaluation Management of the International Climate Initiative (IKI) implemented by GFA Consulting Group GmbH, on behalf of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) ∙ responsible for quality management of 250 individual evaluations, execution of cluster and strategic evaluations ∙ data analysis with MAXQDA ∙ sectors: CCA & mitigation, REDD+, forest landscape restauration (FLR), biological diversity.
German Federal Foreign Office (Germany / Tunisia) 06/2018 – 11/2018
Evaluation of the “Ertüchtigungsinitiative” implemented by the German Federal Foreign Office in Tunisia in cooperation with madiba consult. As expert on methodology, I was mainly responsible for the elaboration of the evaluation design, data collection and analysis methods, the development of incpetion report and the evaluation matrix, the reconstruction of theory of change, and report writing.
Vision Hope International (Germany / Yemen) 04/2018 – 05/2018
Support of the local project team to elaborate a project proposal for the next OCHA call ∙ sectors: health, WASH, early recovery.
HelpAge (Ethiopia) 02/2018 – 04/2018
Feasibility Study for a BMZ funded project to strengthen local government health systems for the prevention and control of HIV, non-communicable diseases and eye problems ∙ sectors: Basic health, HIV/AIDS, capacity building & organisational development.
German Red Cross (Philippines) 01/2018 – 02/2018
Mid-Term Evaluation of the project “Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction Capacities and Mechanisms in the Province of Capiz, the Philippines”. Due to the formative character of the study, aspects of effectiveness, efficiency, progress and management structures have been prioritised over impact and sustainability critera ∙ data collection tools: desk study, semi-structured (expert) interviews, focus group discussions, workshops and team meeitngs, observation.
Caritas International (Ukraine) 11/2017 – 12/2017
M&E Workshop with the local Caritas project team to improve the monitoring system and components within a BMZ development project, providing social services and livelihood support to IDPs and host community in Dnipropetrovsk. Outputs comprised the elaboration of a Monitoring system, including several Monitoring tools and a revised logframe.
Swiss Red Cross (Malawi) 06/2017 – 07/2017
Senior Consultant to conduct a final evaluation of a school feeding programme after the El Nino triggered drought in 2015/16 ∙ Design: Ex-post-facto design with reflexive and shadow controls, mixed method approach of qualitative and quantitative data collection tools ∙ Methodology: Desk Study, Focus Group Discussions, narrative and semi-structured (expert) interviews, workshops, observation.
Caritas international / adelphi (Germany) 04/2017 – 07/2017
Senior Consultant to conduct the final evaluation of the Caritas intervention induced by the vast inundations in Germany in 2013. The intervention covers the phases of humanitarian aid, rehabilitation, as well as the across-cutting subject of disaster risk reduction and comprised a financial budget of 17 Mio € donations ∙ Design: Ex-post-facto design with reflexive and shadow controls, mixed method approach of qualitative and quantitative data collection tools ∙ Methodology: Desk Study, questionnaires, narrative and semi-structured interviews, workshops, observation.
Germanwatch e.V. (Germany / Senegal) 07/2016 – 10/2016
Senior Consultant to conduct the final evaluation of the Adaptation Fund NGO Network, funded by the International Climate Initiative of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety ∙ the evaluation seeks to assess the achievement of goals as well as impacts/contributions of teh AF NGO Network ∙ Design: Ex-post-facto design with reflexive and shadow controls, CEval approach for impact evaluation ∙ Methodology: Desk Study, questionnaires, narrative and semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, observation.
KfW / GOPA / adelphi (Tanzania) 03/2016 – 05/2016
Senior Consultant to conduct a Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability Assessment in Tanzania, for preparation of the project “Climate Change Adaptation in the Simiyu Region in Tanzania”, financed by GCF, KfW, German Government and Government of Tanzania ∙ tasks comprise the collection, review and evaluation of existing climate data and models; the description of climate change development trends and socio-economic vulnerability of rural population; the assessment of mid- and long term impacts on agricultural production and livelihoods for rural people.
Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe / Caritas International / adelphi (Guatemala) 10/2015 – 09/2017
Senior Consultant to render technical, methodological and conceptual advice for a two years DRR project in Guatemala, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office ∙ responsibilities include: facilitation of workshops for three local implementing partners and development of a practical tool box for community risk analysis, community action plans, small-scale mitigation projects ∙ set-up of a PMER system ∙ facilitation of coordination, communication and dialogue platforms with local, national and regional actors, government authorities, institutions and other stakeholders ∙ systematization and documentation of the entire process.
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (Bangladesh) 04/2015
Team Leader to conduct a mid-term evaluation assessing the relief and early recovery phases of the Floods 2014 Emergency Appeal operation, and deriving recommendations for follow up actions ∙ Joint field assessment ∙ Sector focus: shelter, WASH, livelihood, capacity building.
German Red Cross (Bangladesh) 02/2014 – 03/2014
Elaboration of a pilot project proposal for German Federal Foreign Office (AA) on “forecast based financing” ∙ Sector focus: climate change adaptation (CCA), community based disaster risk reduction (CBDRR), early warning, capacity building ∙ Lead of a consortium involving various partners, i.a. WHH, WFP, OCHA, Red Cross Climate Center ∙ strong inter-agency and government coordination ∙ Submission successful.
German Red Cross (Bangladesh) 11/2014 – 12/2014
Elaboration of a project proposal under the DIPECHO VIII / HIP 2015 ∙ Needs assessment ∙ Strong coordination with in-country NGOs, government authorities and previous ECHO partners ∙ Promoting linkages, advocacy and institutionalization within different Government departments ∙ Sector focus: CBDRR, CCA, school based disaster preparedness, early warning, capacity building ∙ Submission successful.
German Red Cross (Pakistan) 10/2014 – 11/2014
Consultancy to support the preparatory work for the elaboration of an ECHO proposal under the ECHO HIP 2015 ∙ Design and facilitation of a training on ECHO guidelines and criteria for the project team (Danish Red Cross, German Red Cross, Pakistan Red Crescent Society) ∙ Support in defining the project idea “Support to IDPs and host communities in KP Province” ∙ Sector focus: basic health care, food security & nutrition, WASH, psycho-social support, capacity building.
German Red Cross (Philippines) 08/2014 – 09/2014
Elaboration of a detailed program strategy and practical guidelines for the management of integrated livelihood, DRR and CCA activities within the organization’s Haiyan Recovery intervention ∙ needs assessments ∙ Outputs: Practical guidelines to mainstream DRR and CCA activities in shelter, livelihood and WASH project activities; Practical guidelines to ensure the integrated nature of the program during all stages of the project-cycle ∙ Data collection tools: Key Informant Interviews, design and facilitation of a workshop on integrated programming in three different program areas.
German Red Cross (Pakistan) 06/2014 – 07/2014
Development of various project concepts for the delegation’s portfolio and potential submission to German Government ministries ∙ Needs assessments ∙ strong inter-agency coordination with in-country NGOs and government authorities ∙ Elaborated project ideas: Strengthening of the basic health infrastructure in KP Province; Humanitarian response to the current IDP crisis in KP Province; Improvement of food security and nutrition status of communities in Sindh province.
German Red Cross (Philippines) 01/2014
Elaboration of an overarching recovery program proposal (GRC own funds) including different affected areas in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan ∙ Integrated approach, covering the sectors of shelter, WASH (incl. rehabilitation of public infrastructure), resilient livelihood practices, DRR as well as organizational & capacity development ∙ Needs assessment ∙ Strong inter-agency and government coordination due to the scale of the disaster and the ongoing operations ∙ Submission successful.
Secretariat for Climate Farming / Welthungerhilfe (Burkina Faso) 10/2013 – 11/2013
Execution of a real-time evaluation of the on-going pilot project and elaboration of a project document in continuation of the project, promoting the introduction, use and marketing structures of pyrolytic stoves ∙ Needs assessment ∙ Sector focus: deforestation, natural resource management, CCA and mitigation, energy, agriculture, market distribution and value chains.
Provincial Capital of Potsdam (Germany) 07/2013 – 02/2014
Qualitative mid-term evaluation of an inter-generational social welfare facility, aiming to analyze the work of the organization three years after change of sponsorship ∙ Identification of unused potential regarding content of offer, existing organizational structures and processes and development of improved solutions ∙ Data collection and analysis tools applied: desk review, questionnaires, focus group discussions, key informant interviews, design and facilitation of workshops (e.g. Evaluation-Café), coding, visual presentation techniques ∙ Thematic focus: child and youth ∙ capacity building ∙ organizational development.
German Red Cross (Philippines) 05/2013
Elaboration of a project proposal for the German Government (BMZ) ∙ Needs assessment ∙ Sector focus: community based DRR (including safe schools), CCA, natural resource management, WASH, capacity building for local authorities and communities ∙ submission successful.
German Red Cross (Bangladesh) 11/2012 – 12/2012
Team leader for the elaboration of an integrated early recovery project proposal for ECHO as a consortium of four Red Cross/Red Crescent partners ∙ Strong partnership management: Organization and facilitation of a joint field assessment as well as allocation and coordination of roles among partners ∙ Sector focus: cyclone resistant shelter, WASH (including infrastructure), livelihood (cash for work), community based DRR, capacity building for local authorities, stakeholders and communities ∙ submission successful.