German Red Cross (Germany) 10/2010 – 09/2012
Desk Officer for Latin America at GRC Headquarter ∙ Strategic, operational and financial guidance and monitoring of delegation and project portfolio ∙ Elaboration and writing of project proposals, reports and evaluations (i.a. for EU/ECHO, German and Belgian Ministries, various foundations) ∙ Promoting the integration of CCA into all projects and co-facilitation of a regional GRC Workshop on the subject in Lima ∙ participation as representative of the German Committee on Disaster Preparedness (DKKV) in a UNFCCC Workshop in Lima ∙ Editorial work in support of PR and fundraising ∙ Donor relations and networking ∙ Management of humanitarian and development projects ∙ Sector focus: Community based DRR, Climate Change Adaptation, livelihood, food security and nutrition, WASH, capacity building, organizational development for local Red Cross branches.
HELP – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V. (Zimbabwe) 07/2007 – 06/2010
Project Manager mainly for emergency response and recovery projects ∙ Planning, implementation, PMER, financial controlling of project activities ∙ Development of new project concepts and proposals (i.a. for WFP, ECHO, EU, AA, BMZ) ∙ Execution of baseline and endline surveys, mid-term and final evaluations ∙ facilitation of nutrition workshops for staff, local authorities and beneficiaries ∙ Policy work and networking ∙ Sector focus: food security & nutrition (including school, hospital and prison feeding), livelihood, small scale agriculture and land use, WASH, basic health, HIV/AIDS, IDPs.
GIZ (Germany) 10/2006 – 03/2007
Internship at the former Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ, now GIZ) in the field of Economic Development and Employment ∙ Assistance in the sector project “Innovative Tools for Private Sector Development”, particularly in conflict regions ∙ Sector focus: Income generating activities ∙ market supply chains ∙ PPP in social / man made conflicts.
UNICEF (Bolivia) 01/2005 – 05/2005
Internship in the Disaster Management department ∙ Updating the organization’s contingency plan ∙ evaluation, organization and monitoring of the response operation necessitated by an inundation in the country ∙ Organization and co-facilitation of a workshop “Manejo de Riesgos y Desastres” for UNICEF staff ∙ Sector focus: Child rights and education ∙ emergency relief ∙ disaster risk reduction (DRR).
Servicios para el Desarrollo de los Jóvenes – SEDEJ (Chile) 05/2004 – 08/2004
Volunteer working with children from humble homes and supervising them in projects and teaching units ∙ Design, organization and facilitation of workshops and occupational therapy classes ∙ Sector focus: Child rights ∙ youth work ∙ psycho-social support.
Internationaler Versöhnungsbund e.V. (Tanzania) 05/2001 – 07/2001
Volunteer work, supporting various project activities in a local village ∙ infrastructure improvement (building of road, school, latrines) ∙ Income generating activities in a rural community dependent on coffee production ∙ Small-scale nutrition gardens at community and school level ∙ Sector focus: livelihood and market structures/value chains ∙ nutrition ∙ WASH ∙ infrastructure.
Wolwedans (Namibia) 01/1999 – 05/1999
Internship at Namib Rand at the Safari-Lodge Wolwedans ∙ Looking after and catering for guests in the camp and lodge of the hotel ∙ Assistance in tour guiding ∙ Sector focus: hotel management ∙ tourism ∙ tour guiding.