Volunteer @ Internationaler Versöhnungsbund e.V. – 05/2001 – 07/2001
Volunteer work, supporting various project activities in a local village ∙ infrastructure improvement (building of road, school, latrines) ∙ Income generating activities in a rural community dependent on coffee production ∙ Small-scale nutrition gardens at community and school level ∙ Sector focus: livelihood and market structures/value chains ∙ nutrition ∙ WASH ∙ infrastructure.
KfW / GOPA / adelphi (Tanzania) 03/2016 – 05/2016
Senior Consultant to conduct a Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability Assessment in Tanzania, for preparation of the project “Climate Change Adaptation in the Simiyu Region in Tanzania”, financed by GCF, KfW, German Government and Government of Tanzania.
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