Consultancy: Ex-Post Evaluation of three DRR projects funded by German FFO – 04/2020 – 11/2020
Team Leader (team of four) for the ex-post evaluation of the FFO-funded humanitarian DRR assistance in the Philippines . Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the evaluation had to be conducted remotely, neither myself, nor the local colleagues were able to travel to and within the country. The evaluation design was predominantly qualitative with a theory based approach, applying tools such as contribution analysis, reconstruction of theory of change (ToC) at program level and a stakeholder analysis. The local evaluators provided detailed transcripts of the conducted interviews that I analysed with a qualitative analysis software (MAXQDA) ∙ sectors: community-based DRR (CBDRR), Climate Change Adaptation (CCA).
Consultancy: Mid-Term Evaluation of a DRR Project for German Red Cross – 01/2018 – 02/2018
Mid-Term Evaluation of the project “Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction Capacities and Mechanisms in the Province of Capiz, the Philippines”. Due to the formative character of the study, aspects of effectiveness, efficiency, progress and management structures have been prioritised over impact and sustainability critera. ∙ Data collection tools: Desk Study, semi-structured (expert) interviews, Focus Group Discussions, workshops and team meeitngs, observation.
Consultancy: Programme Strategy Development for German Red Cross – 08/2014 – 09/2014
Elaboration of a detailed program strategy and practical guidelines for the management of integrated livelihood, DRR and CCA activities within the organization’s Haiyan Recovery intervention ∙ needs assessments ∙ Outputs: Practical guidelines to mainstream DRR and CCA activities in shelter, livelihood and WASH project activities; Practical guidelines to ensure the integrated nature of the program during all stages of the project-cycle ∙ Data collection tools: Key Informant Interviews, design and facilitation of a workshop on integrated programming in three different program areas.
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Consultancy: Recovery Programme Development for German Red Cross – 01/2014
Elaboration of an overarching recovery program proposal (GRC own funds) including different affected areas in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan ∙ Integrated approach, covering the sectors of shelter, WASH (incl. rehabilitation of public infrastructure), resilient livelihood practices, DRR as well as organizational & capacity development ∙ Needs assessment ∙ Strong inter-agency and government coordination due to the scale of the disaster and the ongoing operations ∙ Submission successful.
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Consultancy: Grant Writing (BMZ) for German Red Cross – 05/2013
Elaboration of a project proposal for the German Government (BMZ) ∙ Needs assessment ∙ Sector focus: community based DRR (including safe schools), CCA, natural resource management, WASH, capacity building for local authorities and communities ∙ submission successful.
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