Consultancy: Elaboration of a BMZ Project Proposal – 08/2022 – 03/2023
The assignment served to support and supervise the elaboration of another (follow-up) project proposal for submission to BMZ. The project to be developed aimed at formulating and realising management strategies for the establishment of three new Social Centres in Ukraine, operated by Caritas Ukraine and supported by Caritas Germany, in order to receive funding for a five years project period for the three new social centres independent from the existing BMZ project (see consultancy below). The assignment included facilitation of workshops with Caritas staff to discuss the contents of the concept note, the logframe, including indicators and all other details of the proposal. While filling the proposal’s chapters was a common effort of Caritas Ukraine staff and the consultant, I was in charge of the final quality check. To learn more about Caritas Ukraine and their work please click here. To learn more about the support that Caritas Germany is rendering to Ukraine, including the here mentioned project, click here.
Consultancy: Elaboration of a BMZ Project Proposal – 02/2020 – 05/2020
Caritas Ukraine has been implementing Child & Youth Work as well as Home Based Care for many years in the country, many of these activities have been funded by BMZ. Since the armed conflict broke out in Eastern Ukraine in 2014 Caritas Ukraine is additionally supporting IDPs and host communities not only with the mentioned services, but also with additional social and psycho-social councelling sessions and group sessions. Taking advantage of the on-going national decentralisation reform, I supported Caritas Ukraine in the elaboration of a proposal (BMZ title of transitional aid) that aims to render the Caritas infrastructures and services that have been built up over the years sustainable in the long run ∙ sectors: good governance, Internally Displaced Persons (IDP), psycho-social support, capacity building & organisational development.
Consultancy: Facilitation of an M&E Workshop – 11/2017 – 12/2017
One week M&E Workshop with the local Caritas project team to improve the monitoring system and components within a BMZ development project, providing social services and livelihood support to IDPs and host communities in Dnipropetrovsk, Eastern Ukraine. Outputs comprised the elaboration of a Monitoring system, including several Monitoring tools and a revised logframe.