Consultancy: Evaluation – 10/2019 – 06/2020
In a team of four (led by madiba consult), I served as expert on methodololy for the evaluation of the AA-funded humanitarian health assistance in Africa. I was mainly responsible for the evaluation design, including the set-up of data collection and analysis methods, as well as the reconstruction of theory of change ∙ sectors: health, nutrition, WASH, conflict management, IDP & refugees.
Consultancy: Mid-Term Evaluation – 10/2018 – 03/2019
Mid-term evaluation of the COMPASS (Conjoint multi-actor programme for the advancement of structural solutions to food and nutritional insecurity) – Strategic Partnership Programme, implemented by Caritas Austria through 4 different local implementing partners and funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) ∙ Analysis levels span the programme /strategic level, as well as 4 country interventions ∙ Team Leader od a team of 5 ∙ sectors: food security, nutrition, capacity development.
Learn more about the COMPASS Programme.
Consultancy: Feasibility Study – 01/2018 – 03/2018
HelpAge contracted be to conduct a Feasibility Study for a BMZ funded project aiming to strengthen local government health systems for the prevention and control of HIV, non-communicable diseases and eye problems. The study aims to evaluate the project’s potential for success, as it provides the implementing organisation and the donor with background information and justification on the planned activities, outputs and outcomes in order for them to make informed decisions. As such, the study serves to determine the viability of the project idea; assess the feasibility of the planned activities and the likelihood of achieving the intended outputs and impacts; and support the development of a final proposal through recommendations. Technical sectors: Basic health, HIV/AIDS, capacity building & organisational development.